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Journals, Conferences, Societies, Seminars

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February 22, 2023


APA Convention, Div 36 Program

See 2023

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August 21-24, 2023


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International Association
for the Psychology of Religion

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Society for the Psychology of Religion & Spirituality - APA Div 36

2024  Lab members' talks

January 25

University of Helsinki, Finland
V. Saroglou, lecture

April 18

Collège Belgique, Belgian Royal Academy,
Namur, Belgium

V. Saroglou, lecture

May 16

N&K University of Athens, Greece
V. Saroglou, lecture

November 18-29

Univ. of Social Sciences & Humanties,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

V. Saroglou, teaching and lectures

2023  Lab members' Conference talks

March 23

Association belge des athées, Belgique
M. Karim, lecture

March 9-11

International Convention of Psychological Science, Brussels, Belgium

M. Karim, poster
N. Castaigne, poster

May 16-19

University Cardinal S Wyszyński, Department of Psychology, Warsaw, Poland

V. Saroglou, teaching

August 21-24

IAPR Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands

V. Saroglou, symposium
M Karim, paper

October 24

Free University of Brussels, Social Psychology Unit,


V. Saroglou, seminar

2022 Lab members' Conference talks

April 20

Computational Political Psychology Network
V. Saroglou, webinar

April 29

APA Division 36-Mid year Conference (online)
M. Karim, paper

May 26-29

APS-Association for Psychological Science Convention, Chicago, IL, USA

V. Saroglou, symposium (chair) and paper

June 2-3

BAPS-Belgian Association for Psychological Science Annual Meeting, Leuven, Belgium

M. Karim, poster
V. Cubbedu, paper
V. Saroglou, symposium

July 12-15

ECP-European Conference on Personality
Madrid, Spain

M. Karim, paper
V. Saroglou, paper

Editor responsible for the content: Vassilis Saroglou  ©  2023

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