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Vassilis Saroglou
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Vassilis Saroglou is full professor of psychology at the UCL-University of Louvain, with expertise in psychology of religion, personality, social, and cross-cultural psychology, moral psychology, and psychology of positive emotions.

Born in Athens (1966), he studied religion, philosophy, and psychology and completed his PhD in psychology (UCLouvain, 1999). Professor at UCLouvain since 2001, he has also been Fulbright postdoc researcher at W&M-William & Mary, Virginia (2000), visiting scholar at ASU-Arizona State University (2009) and NYU-New York University (2017), and visiting lecturer at several European and other Universities.


He has developed long-term empirical research on theoretically and socially critical issues regarding religion, spirituality, fundamentalism, and atheism, in interaction with

  • social behavior: prosociality, submission, ethnoreligious & ideological prejudice, sexism, homophobia

  • personality, emotions, cognition, and health: personality traits, birth order effects, awe, humor, positive and negative affect, need for closure, existential quest, universal vs. uncommon beliefs

  • morality: values, sexuality, deontology vs. consequentialism

  • culture: identities, acculturation, and cultural differences between monotheisms and East vs. West


This research, having benefited from national, European, and US grants (2.9mm) and the supervision of 20 PhD students and postdocs, has resulted into 150 scientific publications. Vassilis Saroglou has authored The Psychology of Religion (Routledge, 2021), edited Religion, Personality, and Social Behavior (Psychology Press, 2014), and co-edited “Religion and Culture” (Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2011) and “Religion” (Current Opinion in Psychology, 2021). The research has been commented in media and press of more than 20 countries, including Scientific American Mind, Huffington Post, The Independent, and Politico.


For this work, he received scientific distinctions from APA-American Psychological Association Division 36 (Early Career Award, Mentoring Award, Fellow, William James Award), APS-Association for Psychological Science (Fellow), SPSP-Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Fellow), EAPP-European Association of Personality Psychology (Mid-Career Award), IAPR-International Association for the Psychology of Religion (Quinquennial Godin Prize), and AISR-Académie internationale des sciences religieuses (Fellow). He has served as President of the IAPR and as Assoc. editor and Co-Editor of the IJPR. In 2020, he received the Quinquennial Solvay Excellence Prize (FNRS) in human and social sciences.


Prof. Vassilis Saroglou
UCLouvain, Dept. of Psychology
Place du Cardinal Mercier 10
B 1348 Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium

Editor responsible for the content: Vassilis Saroglou  ©  2023

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